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Road map

i)     Complete SASPRO Blockchain development

ii)    Launch SASPRO Website

iii)   Complete multimedia implementation

iv)   Launch marketing campaign for investors

v)    Complete legal and regulatory compliance

        Register with South African Financial Intelligence Center

vi)    Commence Pre-Launch Token offering - 28 Jan - 31 Mar

vii)   Install Pilot Solar System

Q1 2019

Q2 2019

Aggressive Multi-media marketing campaign for Investors     (i

Launch phase 1 ICO - 15 May - 31 July     (ii

List SASPRO Token on first Exchange     (iii

Test communication with Smart Devices     (iv

Commence installation of Solar System purchased      (v

     from proceeds of Phase 1 ICO         

Launch Mobile Wallet App     (vi

Commence customer training   (vii

Publish first quarterly audit report   (viii

Publish project update     (ix

i)     Complete installation of Solar systems

ii)    Publish monthly project updates

iii)   Expand public awareness of project

iv)   Payment of first quarterly interest to Investors

v)    Expand development of Smart Contracts in of 

       system Management.

vi)   Publish quarterly audit report

Q3 2019

Q4 2019

System Management software integration       (i

Intensify Marketing campaign for investors      (ii

2nd Exchange listing      (iii

Launch phase 2 of ICO 31 OCT - 31 JAN 2020      (iv

Commence installation of Solar Systems purchased from     (v   proceeds of Phase 2 ICO         

Publish Quarterly audit Report     (vi

Payment of Quarterly interest to Investors    (vii

i)     Complete Phase 2 of ICO

II)    Complete installation of Solar systems purchased 

        from proceeds of phase 2 ICO

III)    Expand Marketing Campaign targeting Institutional 


iv)    Review and update of Blockchain if neccesary

v)     Publish Quarterly Audit Report

vi)    Expand customer support infrastructure

vii)   3rd exchange listing

Q1 2020

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